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Conquer clutter with these pro tips

Transform your apartment into a personal retreat that is tidied, clean and organized. Conquer clutter with help from today’s post, compiled by the blog team at Williams and McDaniel.

 KonMarie method

 Marie Kondo is a famous Japanese organizer who has gained a worldwide following because of her unique approach to conquering clutter. Kondo’s tactic, called the KonMarie method, focuses on what you want to keep versus what you want to throw away. If something does not cause joy in your life, Kondo suggests you throw it away or donate it. Her method encourages de-cluttering by subject, instead of by closet or by room. Learn more in her bestselling book.

 Box and banish

 If your Williams and McDaniel apartment is covered in clutter, just getting started might seem a little overwhelming. The Box and Banish method is a simple solution to this common clutter problem. Use large boxes or bags to contain all of your clutter. Continue until all of your tables, bookshelves and countertops are clear. Now you can enjoy a clear space to work without distraction. Go through the bags of clutter one at a time, using the KonMarie method or the Four Box Method to decide what you will keep and what you will donate.

 Search the web

 The Internet is full of easy-to-access organization tips and tools. To conquer clutter at your Williams and McDaniel apartment, use the web. For example, the Get Organized Wizard offers five simple steps for organizing your home specifically tailored for busy people. This blog has detailed tutorials designed to help you de-clutter using 30-minute blocks in each room of your apartment. Using the Internet is an inexpensive and efficient way to find pro tips, fast.

Your Williams and McDaniel apartment will be ready to host family and friends after you use these pro tips to conquer clutter. Learn more about our spacious residential buildings in central and southwestern Ontario by visiting our website today.

tags: apartment living, cleaning, organizing